Ruislip lido railway membership


Outdoor work on the Ruislip Lido RailwayLocomotive preparation at the Ruislip Lido RailwayThe Ruislip Lido Railway Society was formed in 1979 and has now been operating the railway for over 40 years. We are unique in the fact that we are entirely staffed by volunteers with no paid positions.

Since being taken over by volunteers, The Ruislip Lido Railway has been transformed from a small 'loop line' to an impressive and professionally run railway, transporting visitors to Ruislip Lido around the lake. With 5 powerful locomotives, including one steam locomotive built on site, we can only operate our trains if we have enough volunteers. Luckily we have a large group of members who enjoy running the railway, but we need more....

Whether you fancy selling tickets, guarding or driving the train, becoming one of our engineers, maintaining the track or helping in the Gift Shop or Turntable Tea Room, there is a job for everyone!


Ruislip Lido Railway Society Membership Prices

ADULT: £20.00 (Over 65 - £12.50)

HUSBAND / WIFE OR PARTNER: £25.00 (Over 65 - £20.00)

YOUNG PERSON (14-18): £10.00

To find out more why not visit the railway, contact us using the form below or apply for membership by downloading a form below.

RLR Membership Form (PDF file to print off & post)75.59 KB
RLR Membership Form ('Word' file to be edited and emailed)488.35 KB
RLR Volunteering Booklet4.46 MB
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